Overnight Oats

I finally tried making my own overnight oats after thinking I wouldn’t enjoy the texture and taste of oats soaked in milk overnight—-I am glad I did because I was surprised by how delicious and easy this breakfast can be!

What you need:

1/2 cup oats

1/2 cup plant milk ( I used almond)

Frozen or fresh blueberries

Frozen or fresh strawberries

Ground flax seed

Yogurt of your choice ( I used @synergykombucha ‘s cocoyo)


Add a touch of honey for more sweetness Enjoy!

What you do:

  1. Find a jar

  2. Place above ingredients in layers—-I like to start with milk and oats on the bottom and layer fruit, yogurt, and seeds.

  3. Place lid on the jar.

  4. Place in fridge overnight and enjoy the following morning—-add nuts and honey if you like!


Healthy Pancakes


Blueberry Oat Smoothie