Popcorn Seasoning

I love a little extra something on my popcorn but most store bought brands have added chemicals like artificial or natural flavors (that aren’t really natural) OR they have added chemicals that extend their shelf life. Becacuse of this, I decided to experiment with a few seasonings at home. Our favorites were the Herby Seasoning and Slightly Sweet. The Herby Seasoning is a recipe by Sarah at Live Eat Learn. If you would like this recipe, head to the previous link to her website. And the slightly sweet recipe is my own and inspired by my love of allspice.

Slightly Sweet Popcorn Seasoning

Here’s What you need:

Popcorn (I make mine in the microwave in a paper bag with olive oil and salt.)

Coconut Sugar



Here’s What you Do:

  1. Prepare yourself some popcorn. I use the recipe above to make mine, you can make yours on the stove, in the air popper or whatever is convenient for you.

  2. Blend 2 Tablespoons of coconut sugar in a blender. I use my Nutri bullet. You want the coconut to become a sugar powder—so that it sticks easily to the popcorn.

  3. Combine the blended coconut sugar, allspice and salt in a bowl.

  4. Place your popcorn in a container with a lid and spray your popcorn with a neutral cooking spray—I used a light olive oil but you could use avocado oil spray as well.

  5. Sprinkle the slightly sweet seasoning on top and then shake in the airtight container.

  6. Add more or less to your liking, then enjoy!


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