Snickers Bites

Snickers bars were one of my favorites as a child. Caramel—yes and peanuts-yes, yes! A little chocolate and nougat too! All four of these made the perfect combination for my tastebuds. Unfortunately (and thankfully), my gut will not allow me to indulge in the processed candy bars made with processed ingredients. So, I‘ve searched for a recipe that includes a combination of ingredients I can tolerate and enjoy AND tastes close to that original candy bar. I found it at @delight.fuel. Her recipe is here on her website. I changed the recipe just slightly as my body doesn’t tolerate stevia and I wanted to create bites rather than bars.

What You Need:

For Nougat

1 cup cashews (soaked) OR use a cup of cashew butter

3/4 cup coconut cream ( I refrigerated mine and used almost two cans of Native Forest. I only used the cream part and not the liquid.)

1/3 cup plant milk ( I used almond)

1/3 cup natural peanut butter

1/3 cup coconut oil (melted)

1/4 cup maple syrup

2/3 cup almond flour

For Caramel

1/3 cup date syrup

1/3 cup maple syrup

2/3 cup tahini

3 tbsp coconut oil

1 cup salted peanuts ( I used dry roasted)

pinch of salt

For Chocolate Topping

1 bag of Enjoy Life Dark Dairy Free Chocolate Chips

1 tsp coconut oil

Kosher salt to shake on top if you like

What to Do: (These take some time but are worth it!)

  1. Soak your cashews for at least 4 hours or do overnight.

  2. In a blender add: soaked cashews, pb, maple syrup, coconut cream, almond milk, almond flour and coconut oil. Blend until thick white cream forms.

  3. Spread this nougat into a 8 X 11 inch parchment lined square pan and place in the freezer to set. My freezer runs cold—I let it set for 45 mins.

  4. As nougat sets, make the caramel by adding date syrup, maple syrup, tahini, coconut oil and pinch of salt to a sauce pan. Bring to a low simmer for a min or 2 then turn heat off. Make sure not to burn. Fold in peanuts ( I’ll add a half cup more when I make again). Set aside until ready to pour on frozen nougat—it will thicken as it sets.

  5. When ready, pour caramel on frozen nougat and spread. Then place back in the freezer for about an hour.

  6. Melt the bag of dairy free chocolate chips in a glass bowl or dish and add a tsp of coconut oil or more if you like a thinner chocolate covering.

  7. When caramel and nougat have set, cut the square into rows. (Side note, I actually trimmed off some of the nougat from each row as if didn’t feel proportional for my taste. I wanted equal caramel and nuts to nougat.) Then cut the rows into smaller squares.

  8. Dip the squares in chocolate and place on parchment paper . Sprinkle with more nuts or salt if you like. Be careful not to leave out too long because they come to room temp very quickly.

  9. Keep in the freezer and enjoy!

Your body will thank you for it!


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